Happy New Year!

A New Year & A New Website To Kick Off 2015!
Some not so subtle friends suggested to us at the end of last year that our website was looking like it was left over from the last ice age and when we took another look at it, they were, well...correct. So in order to get with the times we hope you like our latest efforts at being on the world wide web.
Through this blog and the new galleries we will now be able to more regularly show our clients our latest products and designs so feel free to you check back every now and then to see what we've been up to. Hopefully these posts might even give you some ideas for your upcoming events in 2015.
Coming up over the next few months we have a few new products and projects that we are excited to be working on and we look forward to sharing the details of these with you soon.
Wishing you all a happy new year from,
Mick, Jason & Lisa